In an effort to promote safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible transportation, Transport Canada is enforcing new regulations that will affect Trucking companies. In June 2019, Canada announced a change to its electronic logging device (ELD) regulations for all carriers that operate within its borders. The new rule requires all carriers to deploy certified ELDs in their trucks operating in Canada. These regulations went into effect on June 12, 2021. Is your fleet ready to lawfully operate in Canada?
As of June 12, 2021, Canada’s new ELD rules require transport carriers operating in the country to install certified ELD devices in their fleet vehicles. Device manufacturers have had 24 months to pursue certification of their products from two accredited third-party certification bodies, FPInnovations and CSA Group. Certified ELDs have enhanced protections against tampering. To stay compliant, any carriers looking to transport to or from Canada must seek out and install certified ELDs from one of the two approved third-party companies listed above. Learn more about the regulations on the Transport Canada website.
The ELD rule change is intended to improve driver and road safety by ensuring drivers comply with hours of service regulations. ELDs make it easier for carriers to manage drivers’ hours of service records. Instead of keeping a physical daily log, an ELD automatically records a driver’s drive time and produces a report that drivers can share with inspectors. By ensuring compliance with hours of service laws, Transport Canada, which is responsible for transportation policies and programs, believes ELDs will reduce driver fatigue and make Canadian roads safer.
American carriers operating in Canada must comply with the country’s new ELD rules. Any American truck that operates in Canada must have a certified ELD installed by an accredited third-party company. In America, ELDs are self-certified by the manufacturer, not third-party companies or agencies such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Until now, American carriers have been able to sidestep some of the nuances in Canadian hours of service regulations. But with ELDs, the reporting process is automated, enforcing compliance.
Not only will American trucking carriers need to install certified devices in their fleets, they will need to train their drivers on the use of ELDs as well as the nuances of Canadian hours of service laws. While certified ELDs will automatically record driver activity, drivers will need to manually submit their records of duty status (RODS) to inspectors. The certified ELDs will automatically switch to drive mode if they detect speeds greater than 20 miles per hour. This means drivers will need to understand Canada’s personal conveyance regulations and yard move rules to avoid being counted as on the clock.
Additionally, Canada’s work shift rules and regulations about splitting sleeper berth time will become more relevant to American drivers. The Canadian rule gives drivers more control over their off-duty time, allowing them to defer off-duty time or change their work cycles, something American rules do not accommodate. This rule change will require drivers and carriers to set expectations regarding changes to off-duty time and changes in cycles while traveling.
Understanding the new ELD rules is one thing. Sourcing and installing certified ELDs is another challenge entirely. Transportation carriers should work with a telematics provider who understands the nuances of American and Canadian ELD rules. Not only that, find a turnkey provider who can source certified ELDS, in-cab mounts, and keep devices updated through a 24/7 remote help desk team.
eSquared Communication Consulting works with mobile carriers to procure compliant devices, install the required software and apps, and deploy hardware that's ready right out of the box. Our 24/7 support and remote updating capabilities means you never have to worry about a faulty ELD interrupting your operations.
Get in touch with the eSquared team to find the right certified ELD for your fleet operating in Canada. Contact us today for expert help and turnkey solutions.
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