Field service techs have the challenging job of not just knowing how to troubleshoot clogged pipes or where to put the refrigerant liquid, but also providing excellent customer service while the family pet is vying for attention. Adopting field service mobile technology can help alleviate challenges in the field.
Being a field technician can be tough work but demand for the industry is accelerating post-pandemic and is projected to grow by 11% and reach a value of $5.1 billion by 20251. That’s exciting news for field techs across the country. There are however, some headwinds to keep on your radar as you expand your operations and customer base.
Challenges field service techs can expect in 2023:
54% of technicians say they lack information about a customer’s service history2. Customer records can inform techs how a previous issue was resolved. As well as, give insight to what actions were taken, that could save time during troubleshooting.
Field service mobile technology enables digital work logs to a field service software like salesforce. Providing an iPad that’s connected to your FSM software for your techs can increase their productivity. That means quicker troubleshooting and faster turnaround time for service requests, which frees up technicians to help more customers.
We can help transition your business to the cloud with our iPad + MDM + Connectivity mobile combo without breaking the bank or adding unnecessary downtime to your operations.
38% of field service companies pointed to having trouble with scheduling and dispatching their field techs2. Agility is challenging for most companies, field service companies often deal with emergencies on the regular.
A system like an MDM (mobile device management software), can track your techs in real-time allowing for flexibility to alter work schedules and immediately dispatch a tech that’s just completed a job to an emergency. Moreover, MDMs can aid with tracking vehicles and optimizing routes for your techs to get to customers faster.
We offer multiple MDM software options that works with your existing technology suite at a low-cost with enterprise-grade support.
With a myriad of tutorials from popular products to obscure techniques for that only work in specific scenarios, YouTube is the largest field service knowledgebase. 52% of field techs say they have no access to service manuals and 48% have no access to a knowledge base2. This highlights the disconnect between what a tech knows and what they’re expected to know.
Building an internal knowledge base can be difficult and expecting memorization can lead to inaccuracies. Providing your techs with mobile technology and business grade connectivity changes the way fieldwork is conducted. Getting access to manufacturer websites and downloading manuals has been a boon for HVAC techs. YouTube tutorials have aided plumbers in solving plumbing issues.
Adding the collective knowledge of mankind to your techs' arsenal begins with the right connections (pun intended). Flexible connectivity plans start with us, whether you’re looking to upgrade or mix and match service providers or manage your telecom expenses, we can help customize the right connectivity solution for your operations.
42% of techs say they get blindsided when a particular part or equipment2 isn’t available in inventory which can derail their work and could turn away a customer especially if it’s an emergency.
Automation can efficiently manage inventory, and add a layers of transparency. Allowing your field techs to easily refer to a digital inventory while troubleshooting. Or if their lawnmower breaks down and need a replacement sent over. Additionally, automation can help identify specific hardware issues and can proactively check for available parts when the customer first reaches out for help.
Automating inventory with tools like smartphone scanners, and RFID tags, to ensure parts inventory is up-to-date for your field techs and they have what they need before they even get to the customer. Let's get started.
eSquared empowers retail, construction, field service, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, and healthcare teams to achieve a competitive edge. We deliver tailored, end-to-end business mobile solutions that seamlessly connect people, assets, and data to help our customers make insightful business decisions that grow the bottom line.
Get award-winning 24/7 help desk support and telecommunication and internet solutions. Empower your techs with our strategic guidance and end-to-end solutions.
1 Markets and Markets 2020
2 Click Software
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