Most people who have an email account have probably heard of phishing attacks. We know to be wary of suspicious emails and IT departments keep a watchful eye on company email accounts. While phishing attacks are still pretty common, you should also be aware of SMishing. Like phishing scams, cybercriminals attempt to trick people into downloading malware, clicking on malicious links, or disclosing sensitive information through text messages. That’s right, these hackers can attack your personal or business phone number! Cybercriminals feed on people’s trust of messages coming into their personal and work devices. The type of information a SMisher is looking for can be anything from online passwords, private personal information, and financial information such as your credit card or banking numbers.
SMishing attacks are strategic and will often send messages that cause people to be fearful of incurring charges, expiring services, or unusual questions about photos or videos all of which typically include a link you have to click. Typical topics of Smishing:
Even if you follow these tips, the best way to ensure your business is secure from SMishing attacks is to have a full-service mobile device management partner. By having an MDM partner like eSquared Communication Consulting, you can customize your team's mobile device usage and ensure device security. We offer you the ability to have web filter routing, web filter restrictions, APP install restrictions, and customized usage control settings. eSquared will manage your devices from a single point of control, provide the latest security operating system to prevent OS security gaps, and provide you the ability to lock or wipe a device remotely. We also provide a 24/7 help desk that can assist with any technical or security issue quickly and efficiently.
If mobile device management seems like a good fit for your company, let’s connect!
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